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The Link Between Our Children and the Milwaukee Chinese Community – 2018 Homecoming survey results

Emily Wang

In honor of the Thanksgiving and homecoming season, we at the Youth Leadership Academy(YLA)of the Milwaukee Chinese Community Center(MCCC) and Milwaukee Chinese Times(MCT) conducted a small survey of Milwaukee area high school graduates and their paths into adulthood. From this, we are hoping to create a platform for future graduates to look back at and realize that there is a whole community that may be miles away, but also is still fully supporting them.

Once the life outside of high school starts, it’s easy to get disconnected.  Many thanks to the parents for reaching out to their children. In our first survey, we ended up surveying 34 people. The response was from 12 states and 72% of them were from the east and west coast.

The survey response was from 12 states

The people who took the survey are from 17 different high schools. The oldest person we reached was graduated from Wauwautosa West High School in 1994 and the youngest one was graduated from Waukesha South High School in 2018.

The graduates are from 17 high schools

We also grouped the people’s college majors into 9 different categories. Each person’s major was/is different. The common trend seemed to be that no matter what the major was, the profession could end up being completely unrelated. For example, the person with a Spanish major is currently pursuing a dental medicine degree at Harvard and another person has a Philosophy degree and is now an engineer at Google.

Overall, each person is unique in his/her own way. The YLA of MCCC  team and MCT youth section team are looking to make this long term effort to become a bigger series. So we reopened the survey The Special Homecoming 2018 to continue to welcome more people to register and join us.
Following this article, we will also conduct a few interviews and report in different articles.
The following list is in alphabetical order of high school. Each person is therefore listed with their responses.
    Arrowhead High School (1)

Name: Natalie Wen
Graduating High School Year 2014
Major in College Spanish
Current School/ Company Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Current Position Dental Student
Current State Massachusetts
Comments 祝家人和MCCC的朋友们感恩节快乐!Don’t forget to share some appreciation with your loved ones. (Also, I’m surviving dental school, Mama and Baba)

    Brookfield East High School (4)

Name: Julia Sun Kevin Guo
Graduating High School Year 2008 2010
Major in College Chemistry Economics
Current School/ Company University of Chicago Hospital Kraft Heinz
Current Position Resident Physician S&OP Supply Planner
Current State Illinois Illinois
Comments 说实话学医真的很累。不是一般的累。做住院医的这几年我常问自己 这一切还值得吗?还像当初想象的那么美好吗?改行不是会轻松好多?但每当我通过我的诊断 治疗 成功拯救一个病人的生命时,这发自内心深处的喜悦和自豪,我想可能只有学医的人才会懂吧!可能上帝在跟我讲,你看,还是超值得的,对吧! Happy holidays!
Name: Dan Lee Alyce Ge
Graduating High School Year 2011 2012
Major in College Mathematics Applied Mathematics
Current School / Company Goldman Sachs Ten-X
Associate Associate Data Scientist
Current State Utah New York
Comments 加油!

  Brookfield Central High School (4)

Name: Ann Yuan Teddy Zhang
Graduating High School Year 2006 2008
Major in College Philosophy Electrical Engineering
Current School/ Company Google Tesla
Current Position Engineer Engineering Product Manager
Current State Massachusetts California
Comments Thanks to the Chinese community for all their support over the years! I feel very blessed! Most successful people I know got there with hard work, talent, and bit of luck.
Name: Eric Han Brain Zhu
Graduating High School Year 2008 2015
Major in College Computer science Computer science
Current School / Companyr Overlay Gaming UC – Berkeley
Current Position Software engineer Senior in College
Current State California California
Comments Thank you to my parents for everything they’ve done for me to help me get to where I am now. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them! Thanks mom and dad for everything

    Cedarburg High School (1)

Name: Sherry Chen
Graduating High School Year 2011
Major in College Neuroscience
Current School/ Company ZOG Digital
Current Position Sr. Digital Strategist
Current State Texas
Comments Thank you, Mom and Dad, for all the support you’ve given me – I would not be where I am today without your unconditional love, patience, and selflessness. There is no problem so insurmountable that a 30-minute call with your parents can’t help solve! My advice to the younger generations in the Milwaukee Chinese community is to continue embracing your culture and heritage; younger me would never believe current me saying this, but I wish I had paid more attention in Chinese school! Our Chinese-American identity is what makes us unique and our upbringing equips us to soar to great heights, but be patient and forgiving with yourselves if you don’t get something right away or on the first try. Always ask questions and stay curious; we might be out of school, but we never stop learning.

    Eisenhower High School (3)

Name: Robert Qi Tong Wang
Graduating High School Year 2008 2011
Major in College Molecular and Cellular Biology Chemistry
Current School/ Company Duke University Health System Perelman School of Medicine
Current Position Resident Physician MD-PhD Student
Current State North Carolina Pennsylvania
Comments Go after your dreams, since anything is possible! Thank you to my parents and the community for making this possible. What do others think you are good at? What does the world need? What would you do for free? Take the time to actively reflect on these easy questions.
Name: Joanna Huang
Graduating High School Year 2013
Major in College Pharmacy
Current School / Company University of Colorado Hospital
Current Position Pharmacist/Pharmacy Resident
Current State Colorado
Comments Thank you Mom and Dad and those who supported me along the way!

    Germantown High School (3)

Name: Ben Xue Jerry Mao
Graduating High School Year 2010 2011
Major in College Economics & Psychology Film & Chinese
Current School/ Company Human Agency University of Wisconsin Athletics
Current Position Co-Founder Senior Producer
Current State Missouri Wisconsin
Comments Hey Milwaukee Chinese Community! To achieve big things, we have to have big goals. Incremental progress is not good enough. If we shoot for little change, we’ll still always be playing someone else’s game. CHANGE THE GAME! Rally behind those that making big steps in the Chinese American world:
– Andrew Yang, Entrepreneur, and presidential candidate in 2020
– Jon Chu, director of Crazy Rich Asians, breaking cinematic records with an All-Asian cast
– Judy Chu, congresswoman of CA27, the first Chinese-American woman to serve as a US Representative,Representation matters. Make Bold Moves.
Name: William Mao  
Graduating High School Year 2017
Major in College Evolutionary biology
Current School / Company UW-Madison
Current Position Sophomore in college
Current State Wisconsin

    Homestead High School (7)

Name: Sophia Zhou Emily Gao
Graduating High School Year 2008 2008
Major in College Supply chain and operations management Political Science
Current School/ Company Pentair Analysis Group
Current Position Operational excellence manager Senior Analyst
Current State California Massachusetts
Name: Lily Zhou Connie Wu
Graduating High School Year 2008 2009
Major in College Computer Science International Relations and Economics
Current School / Company Facebook Inc. American Express
Current Position Software Engineer Senior Product Manager
Current State California New York
Comments Be humble, be good to others, and always try your best Reach out to me for any college or career advice!
Name: Kevin Zhou Wendy Gao
Graduating High School Year 2010 2012
Major in College Computer Science Industrial Engineering
Current School / Company PeopleMaven Accenture Strategy
Current Position Software Developer Business Strategy Consultant
Current State Wisconsin Illinois
Name: Marshall Peng  
Graduating High School Year 2016
Major in College Computer Science
Current School / Company Dartmouth University
Current Position Junior in college
Current State New Hampshire
Comments First off, I’d like to thank the MCCC, as it has provided me some of my fondest high school memories and experiences. After two years in college, my piece of advice for the younger members of the community to succeed in college is to find something that you’re both passionate and good at (whether its a hobby, sport, or your major). These are two equally important traits, and you should try to find something that satisfies both. Granted, this is much, much easier said than done, but once you do find this “thing”, pursue it relentlessly. I see a lot of people in college who don’t know what they want to do in life, and as a result spend a lot of time experimenting. While there’s nothing wrong with experimenting, the earlier you pick a direction, the less headache you’ll experience in the long run.

    Menomonee Falls High School (1)

Name: Aron Liu
Graduating High School Year 2011
Major in College Mathematics and Economics
Current School/ Company Finance company
Current Position Data Scientist
Current State Illinois
Comments Study what you enjoy

    New Berlin West High School (1)

Name: Teresa Wan
Graduating High School Year 2017
Major in College Economics
Current School/ Company UC Berkeley
Current Position Sophomore in College
Current State California
Comments As Marketing Booth Chair, Editor in Chief of Lantern Magazine and the Youth Section of Milwaukee Chinese Times, and President of YLA, I have learned various leadership skills that I have applied to my current college organizations.

      Nicolet High School (1)

Name: Lizzie Tong
Graduating High School Year 2016
Major in College Economics and Computer Science
Current School/ Company University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Current Position Junior in college
Current State North Carolina
Comments The Milwaukee Chinese Community should recognize itself as a force for political change and represent itself as a united voice for Asian-Americans within the city.

      Sussex Hamilton High School (1)

Name: Peggy Wang
Graduating High School Year 2016
Major in College Computer Science
Current School/ Company Stanford University
Current Position Sophomore in college
Current State California
Comments Just do with you enjoy, even if it means not following the crowd, and everything will work out.

University School of Milwaukee (1)

Name: Bill Wong
Graduating High School Year 2013
Major in College Bio-psychology
Current School/ Company Medical College of Wisconsin
Current Position Medical Student
Current State Wisconsin
Comments Hello to everyone! Hope you are all well!

  Waukesha South High School (1)

Name: Michael Tang
Graduating High School Year 2018
Major in College Economics
Current School/ Company University of Wisconsin – Madison
Current Position Freshman in college
Current State Wisconsin
Comments I’m thankful for everything that my parents have done for me!!

    Wauwatosa East High School (1)

Name: Xiaoling Zhu
Graduating High School Year 2002
Major in College Electrical engineering
Current School/ Company Elenion technologies, LLC
Current Position Senior photogenic test engineer
Current State New York
Comments In addition to doing well in school it is essential to be financially literate. You would be surprised by how many graduates and young professionals miss this part of their education. Some of the books that change my outlook are: Rich Dad Poor Dad; Your money or your life; Snowball (Warren buffet biography); Zero to one (nature of startups); Who moved my cheese. Finally, one guarantee way to increase happiness – take care of your teeth! Floss first before brushing.

     Wauwatosa West High School (1)

Name: Andrew Li
Graduating High School Year 1994
Major in College Electrical Engineering
Current School/ Company Arista Networks (Santa Clara, CA)
Current Position Software Engineer
Current State California
Comments When I graduated from Wauwatosa West High School 24 years ago, MCCC was not yet founded. It’s great to see the plethora of organizations and programs under MCCC today! Keep up the good work!

      Wayland Academy (1)

Name: Jason Jiang
Graduating High School Year 2014
Major in College Agricultural Business Management
Current School/ Company University of Wisconsin – Madison
Current Position Senior in college
Current State Wisconsin
Comments There is no linear blueprint to success. There is no one-size fits methodology. Life is about what you want. Not others. It’s about crafting your own unique, personal story. Follow your heart and intuition and it will always land you in the right place. Deep down, you truly know who it is you want to be. Strive for that. And if it ever changes, change the sails & strive for that. Most importantly, remember to keep faith in adversity. The universe is constantly testing us. When things fall south, you must have faith that the universe is granting you an opportunity more ideal for your personal journey. You just need to remember to keep faith no matter how hard it will be.

      Whitefish Bay High School (2)

Name: Jane Zhang Frank Zhang
Graduating High School Year 2009 2014
Major in College Finance, Management Real Estate Development
Current School/ Company Wells Fargo Vium Inc.
Current Position Corporate Strategy Marketing
Current State California California
Comments Be thankful for all that you have in your life each and everyday (small things like a sunrise or big things like acceptance into college). Don’t spend your time comparing with others or let other determine your self worth. Spend time with your family and friends and make memories you will remember. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. Go somewhere you have always wanted to go or somewhere that will challenge you. If you see more opportunities in one city or school versus the next, go there. I decided to go to California because I thought there would be more opportunities there and I was right. There is so much going on here and I get to meet a lot of amazing people, from start up CEOs and corporate executives to musicians and artists. Follow your instinct, not just what other people tell you or what society tells you to do. And when you’re off to college, don’t forget to thank and call your family constantly. They got you where you are and they’ll be there for you for the next leg of your journey.

Picture resource: provided by Emily Wang and from internet
Contact Youth section editor at wangemily43@gmail.com

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