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密尔沃基华人社区中心(MCCC)联合当地其他华裔美国社区将于106日至8日在 Boerner Botanical Garden举行的中国灯节上发起飓风赈灾筹款活动。MCCC还将向美国红十字会递交$10,062.24的哈维飓风救灾捐款支票。支票递交仪式将于2017106日星期五650PM在植物园(9400 Boerner Dr, Hales Corners, WI 53130) 中国灯节的主舞台举行。


MCCC还在继续进行筹款活动,并将于中秋节周末(10/610/8)在中国灯会上设立飓风救援专用捐赠和销售摊位。所有销售收入都将通过美国红十字会捐赠给飓风救灾基金。 MCCC青年领袖团将在周末发起“你叫价”捐款活动。我们要履行我们的使命,尽最大力量回馈我们的社区。

这项活动由MCCC牵头,并得到当地所有华裔美国社区的支持。其中包括华美协会 – 威斯康星分会(OCA),以及UW-密尔沃基,威斯康星医学院,马凯特大学,MSOE等的中国学生团体及当地其他华裔美国人。


MCCC是一个非营利组织。有关更多信息,请联系MCCC 董事会主席孙建国@ 414.378.9521或发送电子邮件至sun4mccc@gmail.com



Hurricane Disaster Fundraising and Donation Presentation Ceremony

Milwaukee Chinese Community Center (MCCC)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Media Release – Oct 3rd, 2017

Milwaukee, WI – Milwaukee Chinese Community Center (MCCC) along with other Chinese American communities will launch a fundraising event for hurricane relief efforts at China Lights in Boerner Botanical Garden on Oct 6th through 8th. MCCC will also present a donation check to American Red Cross with $10,062.24 for hurricane Harvey relief. The check will be presented to American Red Cross at 6:50pm Friday Oct 6th 2017 on the main stage of China Lights at Botanical Garden (9400 Boerner Dr, Hales Corners, WI 53130)
This year the hurricane season has been extremely devastating. Many of our fellow Americans were forced to leave their homes submerged in water or lost their homes completely.  Our prayers go out to all of those affected by natural disasters. To show our support, the Milwaukee Chinese Community Center hosted a fundraising luncheon on Saturday Sept 2nd, 2017. Since then, MCCC continued the effort and has raised a total of $10,062.24 to date from our members.
MCCC is continuing the fundraising activities and will set up a dedicated donation and sales booth for hurricane relief this weekend of Moon Festival (10/6 to 10/8) at China Lights. All income from the sales will be donated to the hurricane disaster relief fund via American Red Cross. MCCC youth leader groups will do the “You name the price” donation event through the weekend. We want to fulfill our mission to giving back to our community at large.
This effort was led by the MCCC and supported from all the local Chinese American Communities, including the Organization of Chinese Americans – Wisconsin chapter (OCA), and Chinese student groups from UW-Milwaukee, Medical College of Wisconsin, Marquette University, MSOE and other local Chinese Americans.
This weekend’s theme in China Lights is Moon Festival celebration, which is hosted by the MCCC and the OCA. Featuring shows including songs, dance and folk arts on the main stage. There will also be MCCC booths in the marketplace that sell Chinese goods such as clothing and decorative items, as well as an authentic Chinese food booth.
MCCC is a non-profit organization. For more information, please contact Jian Sun, President of MCCC @414.378.9521 or email at sun4mccc@gmail.com.

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